If you were to go around to the home grounds of the various clubs in the S.League and ask fans to name the one thing they?d most like to see improved in the league, you?d probably hear a wide range of answers. However, if you were to draw up a list, of say 10 items, and then ask these same fans to rank them in order of importance, I dare say that a large portion would include the standard of officiating among the top five of their wish lists.
There is no disputing the fact that we do have
some good referees in Singapore. However, for a maturing
league, the performances of some match officials is still not sufficiently
consistent. All it takes is one horrendous outing from a referee or linesman
(sorry, assistant referee) to undo the good work of his colleagues.
No one expects match officials to be perfect, never ever coming close to even a hint of a mistake. Most fans understand that referees, their assistants, and even the fourth official, are human beings, and as humans, they do make mistakes ? just like the rest of us. Even the most diehard of fans will, in time, forgive the occasional mistake (no matter what they may yell when the mistake occurs, especially if it causes their team a goal, or player).
What we do expect though, is an attempt to apply the rules of the game fairly and consistently.
On at least two occasions this season, I?ve been at games where the decisions of the man in charge has completely befuddled me. The referee seemed eager to crack down on minor infractions by one team, zealously whipping out his card on several occasions. While similar fouls by players of the opposing team were ignored. Worse still, while he awarded freekicks after some brutal challenges by these same players, he kept his cards safe in his pocket.
Lest anyone dismiss these thoughts as "sour grapes" of someone who follows a team in the lower reaches of the table, let me point to match officials of two other recent games that have drawn the ire of fans, players, and club officials.
Everyone connected with Sinchi football club was incensed by one of the assistant referees of their game against Tampines. Time and again, the official in question apparently raised his flag to stop Sinchi?s attacks in its tracks when the players who were supposed to have been in offside positions were apparently onside. Tampines? fans though, didn?t seem to have any complaints about that official.
However, they vented their frustrations earlier in the month after their home match against Home United, when some dubious decisions resulted in a 2-3 defeat. The referee, in particular, drew criticism from both sets of fans and officials for his inept, and card-happy, performance.
Were these referees openly one-sided? Were they merely incompetent? Or were they just having horrible off days?
Whatever the case, it doesn?t do justice to the efforts of S.League clubs in working to improve their standard of play. Nor does it reward the fans for taking the time and trouble to be at stadia to support the teams.
From the inception of the S.League in 1996, the FAS, other officials involved in running the S.League, clubs and their officials and players, fans, and the media, have (at least) from time to time, looked at ways of improving the league. Players are now fitter, the games are generally more entertaining, and despite the fact that one club seems to be running away with the title this year, most matches are close. Games are not as predictable as they were in the early years of the league. There has been talk of improving the grounds, so that they are better suited to fast-flowing, passing football.
All of these are positive moves, welcomed by all who love the local game. However, the one aspect of the game in Singapore that still lags behind international standards is that of match officials. Yes, we have some good referees. But the incompetence of a few tarnishes the image of the whole.
The one wish I have for the S.League, above all others, is that action will be taken to address this issue.
At the game between Sembawang and the Armed Forces, one of the fans seated two rows behind me said, "This is the referee?s game. Why I should I bother watching when the referee decides who wins?" I have not seen him at the stadium since. Has he given up on the S.League for good? I suspect I?ll see him back at the stadium in the near future.
But if the issue of awful officiating is not addressed, he ? and many others like him ? may decide to turn their backs on the S.League for good. If (or when) that happens, it will be sad day for local football.
So I plead with the powers that be at the FAS and S.League. Please address this issue ? and soon! Make the referees accountable to the league. Haul them up before a committee set up by the league (not a referees body) to answer for themselves after each and every questionable performance. Reprimand them. Fine them. Suspend ? or even dismiss ? them if necessary. And please make all this public so that every fan knows that the S.League is doing something about this issue.BM